Salers Cattle Society



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Salers Cattle Society of the UK Ltd, Byelaws, March 2013


1. Definitions

2. Introduction

3. Society Objectives

4. Membership

5. Herd Book & Registrations

6. Society Officials

7. Council Meetings and Annual General Meetings

8. Shows, Inspections and Judges

9. Complaints

1. Definitions

“Council” means the council of management of the society.
“Society” means the above named society.
“Member” means any persons or corporation having made a successful application to be a member of the above society.
“Secretary” means any person appointed to perform the duties of the secretary of the society.
“Articles of Association” means the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Salers Cattle Society of the UK Limited currently lodged with companies house.

2. Introduction

2a. The Salers Cattle Society is a charitable company limited by guarantee, and was set up on the 19th June 1985, and was granted charitable status on 5th July 2006. It is governed by a memorandum and articles of association.

2b. The Salers Cattle Society is governed by a voluntary council, comprising representatives, elected by members within the regions, and also members co-opted by the council. The council members filling the four executive positions of President, Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer are de-facto trustees and directors of the society, with an additional trustee/director appointed by the council as required by the charities commission.

2c. None of the members of the council have any beneficial interest in the company. All the members of the council are members of the company and guarantee to contribute £1 in the event of a winding up.

2d. The members of the council are elected based on the qualities they display and their relevant experience.

2e. The members of the council meet quarterly or more as required, plus 1 Annual General Meeting. The society secretary and treasurer are in attendance at each meeting, the former records the business discussed thereat.

3. Society Objective

3a. The society objective is the promotion of agriculture by the management, promotion and improvement of the breeding of Salers.

3b. The maintenance of the purity of the breed and in connection therewith (but without limitation) to compile, keep, maintain, edit, issue and publish a Herd Book of recognised and full-blood Salers cattle and a register or registers supplementary of other recognised and qualified cattle for breeding purposes.

3c. To maintain Breed Standards, as depicted in appendix a.

3d. The society will also attend shows, exhibitions and events for the purpose of promoting the Salers Breed, at the same time introducing the breed to the younger generation.

4. Membership

4a. An application for membership may be made by anyone interested in the Salers Breed by completing the relevant forms available in the annual journal, on the website or from the secretary’s office.

4b. Membership subscriptions are payable on the 1st January of each year. Any member not issuing subscription payment will receive a reminder from the secretary’s office 30 days hence. No animal registrations will be accepted until full payment of any out standing subscriptions has been received. If a members subscription fee has not been paid by the 31st March, membership will be cancelled in full. Any persons wishing to reinstate their membership after this
date must reapply and pay the required joining fee.

4c. A list of members will be published by the society in the annual Journal and on the society website. Any member wishing to withhold information from public view must notify the secretary in writing.

4d. Members will receive quarterly newsletters and a copy of the annual Salers Cattle Society of the UK Journal. They will have the right to register animals born or bought into their herd by completing the appropriate application accompanied by the relevant payment to the society.

4e. Members will be asked to provide email and mobile telephone details by which they can be contacted by the secretary.

4f. Charges and subscription fees may change as required, a list of all charges will be available in the annual journal, website and from the secretary’s office.

5. Herd Book and Registrations

5a. The society will maintain an accurate record of pedigree and Cross Bred (graded up) Salers within the UK. Any animal graded up to Pure Bred must be inspected and Beta Mannosidosis tested before being accepted as pure bred.

5b. The onus is on the member to ensure all information on the issued certificate is correct. Any errors found must be notified to the secretary’s’ office at the earliest opportunity whereupon the error will be rectified and a certificate bearing the correct information issued. Should the original error be that of the secretary’s office no charge will be made, however should the error be the members, an administration charge will apply.

5c. To ensure accuracy and to aid promotion of the Salers Breed an annual census of the herd book is issued at the end of each year. This must be returned each year within the specified time limit (6 months in 2013, 3 months from 2014). Failure to do so will remove the right to add additional animals to the Herd Book until the annual census has been completed and returned. Late registration fees may be incurred should animals be added later.

5d All animal registrations must be made in writing or via email. Late registrations will be charged at the appropriate rate. The postmark will be used as the date the registrations have been received by the secretary’s’ office. Requests for late registrations to be charged at a reduced rate will not be accepted. Special circumstances may be considered but must be submitted in writing, with all supporting documentary evidence, by the individual to the council, via the secretary, whereupon the matter will be raised at the following council meeting and a decision made.

5e. The transfer of ownership of females must take place from one herd to another before you may register a calf from her.

5f. A.I. calves, registrations of calves conceived by AI must be accompanied by supporting documentary evidence e.g. AI certificate or other.

5g. A Sire certificate scheme has been set up to register calves conceived by a non-owned sire. Service may be either A.I. or natural. In these cases the Sire certificate must be obtained from the owner of the bull/semen and forwarded with the registration form (and supporting documentary evidence of A.I. if appropriate). The secretary’s office must be informed by the owner of the bull/semen, of the members who wish to participate in the Sire Certificate scheme otherwise registrations may be accepted without a sire certificate and the owner could lose the service fee negotiated between the two breeders.

5h. Embryo Calves, registrations of calves conceived by embryo transplant will require an embryo registration form and embryo number eg.. 186/3. Calves names will be followed by the letters ET on the certificate.

5i. Embryo transplant scheme participants must contact the secretary’s’ office to obtain the relevant Salers society forms. One export certificate covers all embryos from one flush to the same purchaser. Both dam and sire in an embryo program must be blood typed.

5j. Members should identify polled calves as such on the calf registration application whereupon a certificate will be issued and the calf’s name will be followed by the word “Polled”. In the event of Polled calves only, if the animal turns out not to be polled then the society is willing to amend pedigree certificates Free of Charge, if the amendment is received within12 months of birth. Any received after that date will be charge at the appropriate rate.

5k. Imported cattle must have a three generation pedigree export certificate issued by the society of the country of origin.
Imported in-calf cattle must have a three generation pedigree export certificate issued by the society of the country of origin for the in-vitro calf. As requirements of importation change check with the secretary’s office to confirm what is required before you start the importation procedure.

5l. Exported cattle must be accompanied by the appropriate Salers cattle society export certificate to allow the animal to be registered on the herd book of the country of its destination. Contact the secretary’s’ office prior to export to obtain the relevant forms.

5m. All new animals entered into the herd book must be DNA beta-mannosidosis tested negative or have UK herd book registered non-carrier parents.

5n. The society reserves the right to request DNA parentage evidence should it see fit, initially at the breeder’s expense.

5o. All fees regarding the update and the registration of animals on the herd book are subject to change, the current prices are published each year in the annual journal, on the website or are available from the secretary’s office.

6. Society Officials

6a. The council of management is made up of an Area Representative from each area of the country, Treasurer, Deputy Chairman, Chairman and President. At any time the council may, if it sees fit, invite members of the society onto council as co-opted members. There is no upper limit to the number of co-opted members allowed on council at any one time. The council meet quarterly or more as required, at a suitable location. They may claim reasonable travel expenses, at the agreed rate currently in place and as denoted in appendix a

6b. Co-opted members serve on council until the following AGM and are elected/invited, by the council of management, at the last council meeting to be held prior to the AGM (being the last in the order of business in that meeting). Co-opted members are generally selected as they bring previous experiences or skills beneficial to the society be it for special projects or ongoing matters. Co-opted members must be prepared to attend meetings as required.

6c. Area Representatives are elected by the members in their area and must have been a fully paid up member of the Society for 1 year. The areas can be merged or split as seen fit by council. The purpose of an Area Representative is to promote Salers within their area, working alongside other members in their area to do so and with the assistance of the secretary’s office if required. It is also their responsibility to bring matters to the council on behalf of members in their area and vice versa. They serve a three year term, must agree to attend each council meeting and hold at least 1 area meeting in their area each year. An Area Representative may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms but may be re-elected after 1 year. Their term will run AGM to AGM. 5 months prior to their end of term, if eligible, the secretary will write to members within their area supplying a record of meetings attended and ask for nominations to be returned to the office within 14 days. If more than one nominee is received a postal ballot will take place the result of which to be known no later than the 31st August. Ratification of the appointment will take place at the following AGM..

6d. The Treasurer is elected by the council of management and can serve on council indefinitely or until a time that council see fit or the treasurer wishes to resign the role. They work alongside the secretary, calculating budgets and overseeing spending. They are responsible for the reporting of and submission of, the financial accounts to the members of the council and society, accountants, HMRC and the charities commission. They can vote in council matters.

6e. The Deputy Chairman is elected by the council and serves a 2 year term. They do not have to be from within the council. Their role is to work alongside and support the chairman, representing them at society events and others and to act as the chairman if required to do so.

6f. The Chairman is elected by the council and serves a 2 year term. They shall preside as chairman at each council meeting held within their term of office, if absent from the meeting the vice-chairman will act at the Chair. They are required to attend and represent the society as required at events in the agricultural calendar. They may claim reasonable travel expenses, at the agreed rate currently in place and as denoted in appendix a. Should a newly elected chairman be a serving area representative then a new area representative must be appointed using the normal election procedure. The chairman shall continue in the role of area representative until such a replacement has been elected.

6g. The President is elected by the council and serves a 2 year term. They are to support the chairman and act as chairman at Annual General Meetings held during their term of office. Having completed the 2 year term they must leave council, seek election as an area representative or may be invited to serve as a co-opted member by the council.

6h. The International Salers Federation representative is elected by council and serves a 2 year term, their role is to act as liaison on the societies behalf with other Salers societies throughout the world and report to council on their affairs.

7. Council Meetings and Annual General Meetings.

7a. Council will meet quarterly or more as required to discuss all matters pertaining to the company known as the society.

7b. The general, financial and all other business of the society shall be governed and conducted by the council who shall have full power to manage and regulate them on behalf of the members.

7c. From time to time council may appoint a sub-committee who refer to the expertise of others, including non-society members, from outside council. The council shall appoint a chairman for such a sub-committee, this chairman will have the power to co-opt individuals from within the membership and will report to the council at each meeting, The Council retain the right to disband the sub-committee if seen to be necessary.

7d. The secretary will report the current status of the society and bring to the table any queries or correspondence requiring councils opinion or decision. The treasurer will report the current financial status of the society and highlight any issues regarding over or under spending of funds. Area Representatives may bring the views of members within their area by means of AOB or by adding an item to the agenda by prior arrangement with the secretary. The recorded minutes form the official record of all meetings.

7e. The society shall give 21 days notice of the AGM to all members via post or electronic mail. The following shall be reported at the AGM

Chairman’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report this will refer to the current financial affairs of the society.
Appointment of Accountants
Ratification of Area Representatives
Market Review
Any Other Business
Open discussion

7g. Any Other Business to be discussed at the AGM must be put in writing to the secretary 1 week prior to the meeting for inclusion in the agenda, no additional AOB will be accepted at the AGM.

7h. Open discussion may take place following AOB, any issues raised by members if appropriate, may be answered at that time or answered in writing following a council discussion at the next council meeting. Matters previously discussed and dealt with at council meetings need not be discussed at the AGM.

7i. Upon requisition of 6 members or council the secretary shall be bound to notify members of notice of an EGM within 21 days of the requisition or to such a time to coincide with that of a society event, whichever is suitable to those making the requisition.

8. Shows, Inspections, Sales and Judges

8a. The Council reserve the right to invoke article 45-47 “Powers and Duties of Council” section with the Society’s Articles of Association if a member’s conduct is found to be bringing the society into disrepute.

8b. It is expected that all members showing cattle will adhere to any regulations set in place by the agricultural society organising the show and that when representing the breed they act in a respectful, responsible manner, wearing the correct attire and presenting the breed to the public at its best.

8c. Where 3 members or more, present breeding cattle for sale or at such an event seen to promote the breed to others, council, should they see fit, shall contribute funds to the promotion of the sale/event. The onus is on the member/members to notify the secretary at least 6 weeks prior to the event.

8d. The society will provide 2 Inspectors at all official Salers Cattle Society sales. The first from the local vets practice, the second, being a respected independent ‘cattle man’. All animals presented for sale will be inspected, Commercials/dispersals/productions within their pen, those to be sold as pedigree must be halter broken and led out for inspection. The animals will be inspected for compliance with the current Breed Standards as indicated in appendix b.
Bulls weights will be recorded and displayed along with their scrotal size on their pens.

8e. In the case of a dispute the Vets decision is final.

8f. All official Salers Society sales are held under the NBA rules.

8g. All animals entered for sale at official Salers Cattle Society of the UK sales must adhere to the current High Health rules, these may change from time to time, changes will be publicised in newsletters, on the sale entry form and website, contact the secretary’s’ office to confirm the latest High Health requirements.

8h. The council shall annually appoint a recognised or official panel of judges for publication to any society requesting such. The panel shall be no less than 10 and be nationwide.

9. Complaints

9a. Complaints, in the first instance, should be submitted, to the Chairman and/or Secretary and a record taken.

9b. Any complaint so submitted shall be investigated by the Chairman and/or the Secretary as appropriate within 14 days and if s/he can settle the complaint satisfactorily to the person making the complaint and to the person against whom the complaint is made s/he shall do so and thereupon the matter shall be considered at an end. Any complaint so settled shall be recorded in full by the officer investigating the same and brought to the attention of the Council.

9c. If the complaint cannot be resolved by the Chairman and/or Secretary, as appropriate s/he shall report the complaint to the Trustees of the Society and shall forward full written details from the complainant along with all documents connected therewith.
9d. Upon receipt of the report of any complaint the Trustees shall carry out further investigation of the complaint if it considers this to be necessary and a resolve will be made within 21 days.

9e. The society reserve the right to invoke byelaw 8a should a member or members be found to be bringing the society into disrepute.

appendix a.

Council Members Expenses

Out of pocket expenses for Council Members attending meetings may be claimed at 25p per mile but where possible members should share journeys.

For those who have to travel distances constituting in an overnight stay a 50%
contribution would be made towards their overnight accommodation or ferry
crossing expenses on receipt of invoices/receipts.

Expense sheets to be completed by all members making a claim with receipts, if required, to comply with charities commission rulings re expenses

Lunch (at a pre-agreed rate with the venue) will be paid for by the society.

Chairman’s Expenses

They may claim reasonable travel expense, mileage to be paid at the current HMRC rate at the time for every mile travelled in excess of 100 mile radius or 200 mile round trip or any other reasonable associated travel costs associated with their role.

appendix b

The Salers breed standard takes into account the breeds orientations and forms an integral part of the genetic improvement programme.

Single colour, red-mahogony. Females with a curly coat, a supple skin. Clear and rosy mucous membranes, sometimes slightly “smokey”. Some individuals kept on mineral deficient ground may be somewhat orange coloured.
A black gene has traditionally been present in the Salers population and is acceptable. Tolerance of white is limited. For cows white only from teats to umbilicus is allowed. For exceptional bulls white must not exceed the area of a 2 euro coin, except and only if the milk section mother has achieved a production level of 3,700kg milk in 7% or an INEL (a milk production index) ≥ 15 or in the suckler section if the overall index of the parents is greater than a standard deviation of the overall maternal index (IVMAT); at the moment that is 108.

The Head
Triangular face, short wide forehead. Dehorned or polled animals can be registered.

The Body
Short neck in males, longer in females, dewlap reduced, straight back, chest deep and wide, rounded well sprung ribs, pelvis rectangular and open at the pin bones, a long tail, well descended rear quarters.

The Legs
Solid hocks and well down the leg, medium length, average leg length, cannon bone not too long, black hooves.

The Udder
Rounded udder with balanced quarters; the four teats hanging vertically and equally separated.

Format and Size
Of large size, the adult weight of a Salers reaches 700-800kgs for females and 1000-1300kgs for males, breeding animals raised in good conditions.

Member Map

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Breed Journal

Our 2020 Breed Journal is now available to view online.

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2020 Bull Calves

The year letter for bull calves regsitered in 2002 is "Q"

View here